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Discover Flex

Getting Started#

Get started by creating a new go project.


  • Go 1.16 or later

Let's make an API#

Let's start by creating a new directory, and initialise a go project.

mkdir flex-tutorialcd flex-tutorialgo mod init flex-tutorialtouch main.go

Bring in flex#

go get

Write the program#

In the main.go file, and add in the following code:

package main
import (        "context"        "fmt"        "log"        "net/http"
func main() {        // Create a new mux and attach a handler.         mux := http.NewServeMux()        mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {                fmt.Fprintln(w, "Hello, World!")        })
        // Create a simple (and not production ready) http server.        server := &http.Server{                Addr:    ":8080",                Handler: mux,        }
        // Start the application.        flex.MustStart(                context.Background(),                &httpServer{Server: server},        )}
// Create an httpServer wrapper struct.// This allows us to implement the Worker primitive.type httpServer struct{ *http.Server }
// Run should run start processing the worker and be a blocking operation.func (h *httpServer) Run(_ context.Context) error {        log.Printf("serving on: %s", h.Addr)        return h.ListenAndServe()}
// Halt should tell the worker to stop doing work.func (h *httpServer) Halt(ctx context.Context) error {        log.Println("shutting down http server")        return h.Shutdown(ctx)}


Obviously, this is a contrived example. If this is all you were really building, you wouldn't need flex!

However, here's what we've acheived:

We've implemented an http server that flex can run as a Worker. This means that the server is running in it's own goroutine, and that graceful shutdown will occur when the context we've passed as the first argument to MustStart is cancelled. This can be done by interrupting the program with CTRL+c, or by signalling the application (for example, the way kubernetes would).